An Educational Working Farm
Craigardan’s campus is a small-scale, diversified, educational working farm. It is a test plot for innovative practices on a once heavily logged piece of Adirondack land. We research, adapt, question, and implement philosophy from a variety of historic and modern farming techniques. We employ and test practices shown to sequester carbon from the air and store it for generations to come. We choose plant and animal varieties based on ideals that advance food sovereignty, respond to the specific challenges of our mountain property, and allow us to consume and promote flavorful, healthy, seasonal, local food for everyone.
The farm is an anchor to our work in many ways:
Craigardan's artists-in-residence are members of the farm, receiving a weekly farm share of our own harvest and supplemented with a variety of products from our partner farms. Residents prepare most of their own meals from the share, which adds to their experience in a new and more complete way, and they gather for family meals prepared by local and visiting chefs.
Our culinary artists-in-residence use the farm as their pantry for raw materials and their source of inspiration. Here, a residency is an opportunity to engage all of the senses - including taste - while gaining a deeper understanding of the role food and agriculture play in the health of our world.
Our workshops, classes, and events often integrate agriculture and food into the course. The fully diversified farm and working forest activates place beyond beauty and sets the stage for creative thinking.
We give food away! The local public has access to the farm for recreation, education, growing, and eating healthy, seasonal food. Our newly launched Community Farm programs open the farm to our neighbors in new and exciting ways, and includes the Free Food Fridge, Egg Share, Volunteer, and Gardan Share opportunities.
We sell our pasture raised meat, eggs, and organically grown vegetables in the farm store. And, we promote and support our neighboring farms by providing 100% of the farm store profits to local farmers.
As farming communities begin to strengthen around the region, we wish to showcase what the Adirondacks and the Champlain Valley has to offer the culinary world. With our farm and our partner farms as a pantry, we invite emerging and professional chefs to hone their craft, collaborate with the community, and inspire our culinary culture. Chefs at Craigardan have the opportunity to collaborate with ceramic artists and other residents who will further enrich their creative experience.
Craigardan's position as an arts center, a small diversified farm, and as a regional community connector creates a unique educational opportunity for individuals interested in a career in agriculture and/or food systems. We invite young and emerging farmers, food activists, and chefs to continue their education at Craigardan through hands-on work with full support on the farm and in the kitchen or studio.
Special events as well as single day and multi-day educational workshops on food and farming are offered throughout the season. Topics may include butchery, orchard care, composting, backyard beekeeping, nutrition, food justice, foraging, preservation and more. Our classes will teach you to grow what you eat, cook what you grow, and support our local farm and food landscape.